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Civil Movement rally in UB city centre

A rally took place yesterday afternoon, gathering thousands of people on Peace Avenue, in the city centre of UB.
#baabar news

Direct investment increases, external trade balance surplus dicreases

In the fourth quarter of 2009, foreign direct investment in Mongolia equalled to USUSD284.1 million, increasing by USUSD157.5 million,
#baabar news

Statistics show healthier government finances

In the first two months of 2010, total revenue and grants of the General Government budget amounted to MNT 326.7 billion while total expenditure and net lending amounted to MNT 378.1 billion,
#baabar news

Mongolia Energy to delivery coal in august

Mongolia Energy Corp (MEC), a former technology company that remade itself into a natural resources developer in 2007, will deliver its first coking coal cargo this August and is looking at projects beyond Mongolia, a senior executive said.
#baabar news

Mongolia to start sea-buckthorns program

Mongolia’s ”Sea-buckthorns” program was approved at the Wednesday’s cabinet meeting in accordance with the governmental activity program in 2008-2012.
#baabar news

Erdenes grants Hunnu Coal with option to acquire 80% in coal project

Hunnu Coal has announced it has been granted an option to acquire an 80% interest in the Erdenes Thermal Coal Project in the Dornogobi province of south eastern Mongolia.
#baabar news

World Bank releases positive update

The World Bank has released its Mongolian Economic Update for January 2010 in it provides a review of the main economic, fiscal and financial developments over 2009, as well as the policy response and future challenges.
#baabar news

Украин шинэ Ерөнхий сайдтай боллоо

Өчигдөр Украины парламент хуралдаж парламентад суудалтай намууд шинэ эвсэл байгуулах шийдвэр гаргасан байна.
#дэлхий дахинд

Mothers in Mongolia receive aid during ’dzud’ weather pattern

11 Mar 2010 [MediaGlobal]: Severe and destructive weather patterns in Mongolia have made it very difficult for expectant mothers,
#baabar news

Mongolian protestors demand health minister resign

Hundreds of protesters gathered in Ulan Bator’s central Sukhbatar Square Thursday to demand the resignation of Mongolia’s health minister for failing to curtail the spread of the H1N1 strain of influenza.
#baabar news

Indian Parliament gives women a third of its seats

Indian politicians took an important step on the path to making history when they overwhelmingly voted to reserve a third of all legislative seats across the country for women this Tuesday.
#baabar news

Government against coal export price cut

B. Altsukh, senior specialist at the Fuel Policy Department in the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy,
#baabar news

Parliamentarian introduces bill to develop rural economy

Parliamentarian N. Batbayar introduced to the electors his bill “Development of Mongolia” that aims to increase families’ incomes in the country’s rural communities by trying to boost the rural economy.
#baabar news

Human and technical support for herders and medical staff

In response to this year’s dire winter which hit Mongolia herding communities,
#baabar news

Mongolia to adopt European standards

Mongolia’s Prime Minister S. Batbold announced the will to introduce European standards in all spheres of the Mongolian society.
#baabar news

Mongolia to improve its SLP in Indonesia

Mongolia is about to look more closely at Indonesia’s independent community empowerment national program (PNPM) with the hope to improve its own Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP).
#baabar news

Economic uncertainties push gold price up

During the week the ECB (European Central Bank) left benchmark interest rate at 1.00% as widely expected.
#baabar news

Манай дэлхийн баячууд

“Forbes” сэтгүүл уламжлал ёсоор дэлхийн тэрбумтнуудын жагсаалтыг гаргалаа.
#дэлхий дахинд

Tavantolgoi- Oyutolgoi-Gashuun sukhait route to be paved by 2011

Minister for Environment and Tourism L.Gansukh has held a meeting to discuss the construction of a road to transport coal from Tavantolgoi, Oyutolgoi, and Gashuunsukhait .
#baabar news

MPRP replaces leaders in Songinokhairkhan after citizens’ complaints

Two MPRP members hold responsible for misconduct and for working against the interests of the party’s unity have recently submitted their resignation to the Party’s Executive Board.
#baabar news

Hearsay of a new lawsuit filed against the Government

Goldman Sachs Group Inc., a global investment banking and securities firm which engages in investment banking,
#baabar news

Mongolian firms soon to be listing abroad

Mineral rich and landlocked Mongolia is attracting more attention from global investors after it sealed a deal in October with Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto to develop the USD3 billion Oyu Tolgoi mine,
#baabar news

China’s coal output to increase in 2010

According to Wu Yongping, Datong Coal Mine Group’s chairman,
#baabar news

Garrison International Ltd.: Construction Recommences at Tovshiir Gold Project, Mongolia

Blair Krueger, President of Garrison, reports that ”the financial crisis that significantly delayed Garrison in the development of this operation is now behind the company.
#baabar news

Austria considers Mongolia as important EU partner in Asia

Austrian Prime Minister Werner Faymann (R) meets with visiting Mongolian Prime Minister Suchbaatar Batbold in Vienna,
#baabar news

Hunnu Coal to acquire additional thermal coal project in Mongolia

Hunnu Coal (ASX: HUN) has been granted an option to acquire an 80% interest in the Erdenes Thermal Coal Project (EL14733) which is located in the Dornogobi Province of south eastern Mongolia.
#baabar news

Эрчүүддээ Морин хуурын чуулгын тоглолт бэлэглээч

Монголд баяр үргэлжилсээр. Сар шинэ хуучирч амжаагүй байхад Мартын баяр залгаж,
#чөлөөт цаг

“Оскар” анх удаа эмэгтэй шилдэг найруулагч төрүүлэв

Яагаад ч юм бид Америкийн киноны уран бүтээлчдийн оны шилдгийг тодруулдаг “Оскар” наадмыг сонирхдог, хүлээдэг болж.
#чөлөөт цаг

Оросын хамгийн их нөлөө бүхий ажил хэрэгч бүсгүй

Олон улсын эмэгтэйчүүдийн баяраар “Финанс” сэтгүүлээс Орост хамгийн нөлөө бүхий ажил хэрэгч 50 эмэгтэйн жагсаалтыг гаргасан байна.
#дэлхий дахинд

Obama keeps U.S. troop withdrawal plan after Iraq poll

President Barack Obama called Iraq’s election an “important milestone” on Sunday despite deadly violence which killed dozens of civilians,
#baabar news