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T.Altangerel denies court verdict against Mongolia

Director of the Policy Implementation Regulation Department at the Interior Ministry T. Altangerel has denied claims that a verdict in favour
#baabar news

Барак Обама Афганистанд хоёр дахь удаагаа айлчлалаа

АНУ-ын Ерөнхийлөгч өчигдөр Афганистанд гэнэтийн айлчлал хийлээ. Энэ бол түүний Афганистанд хийж буй хоёр дахь айлчлал юм.
#дэлхий дахинд

“Гэгээн муза” өөр, өнгөлөг боллоо

Драмын урлагийн оны шилдэг бүтээл, уран бүтээлчдийг шалгаруулан урамшуулах “Гэгээн муза” наадмын эргэн тойрон дахь сонин сайхны дотроос үзэгчдийн хамгийн ихээр сонирхдог нь жүжигчдийн хувцас, гоёл байдаг гэхэд болно.
#чөлөөт цаг

Шилдгүүд шагнуулж, шинэ бүтээлүүд төрсөн долоо хоног

Монголын соёл урлагийн амьдрал үйл явдлаар арвин байна. Олон улсын тавцанд амжилт гаргасан уран бүтээлчдэд төр засгийн зүгээс мөнгөн шагнал хүртээх шийдвэр гаргалаа.
#чөлөөт цаг

Согтууруулах ундаа хэрэглэсэн бол ташуурдаж шийтгэнэ

Суданы Ерөнхийлөгч Омар аль-Башир сонгуулийн сурталчилгааны үеэр нэлээд ноцтой мэдэгдэл хийжээ. Түүнийг тус улсын телевизээр шууд дамжуулсан байна.
#дэлхий дахинд

Ivanhoe closes private stock placement with Rio Tinto

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. said Monday it has closed a private stock placement with Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto for USUSD241.1 million.
#baabar news

Sandstorm hits parts of southeast Asia

Sand and dust storms originated from Gobi desert of Mongolia hit some Asian countries and are expected to continue till June, experts said.
#baabar news

SocGen moderately bullish on commodities

The latest quarterly Commodities Review from Societe Generale (SocGen) asserts at the outset that from a top-down, macro approach,
#baabar news

Blominfo to provide consultancy services

BlomInfo A/S compagny from Denmark has been selected to provide consultancy services for
#baabar news

IMF calls for the development of Asian infrastructure

IMF’s first deputy managing director John Lipsky warned at an international gathering in Hanoi to discuss post-crisis growth and poverty reduction
#baabar news

Хахуульд автсан Москва хотын захиргаа

Москва хотын хөрөнгө оруулалтын хөтөлбөрийн хяналт, хэрэгжилтийг хариуцсан орлогч дарга Александр Рябинд хахууль авсан хэргээр эрүүгийн хэрэг үүсгэжээ.
#дэлхий дахинд

Алтанбулагийг Эрээн шиг том боомт хот болгох хүсэл орос, монгол наймаачдад адилхан бий

Монгол, оросын гадаад худалдааны эргэлт өнгөрсөн онд хоёр дахин буурсан тухай хоёр улсын бизнес эрхлэгчид толгой сэгсрэн ярьж байна.

Д.Бямбасүрэн, түүний хоёр загал

Найруулагч Д.Бямбасүрэн кино урлагийн дэлхийн зах зээл дээр өрсөлдүүлэх ээлжит бүтээлээ гараанаас нь тавилаа.
#чөлөөт цаг

Dozens of pupils end in hospital in second case of food poisoning

According to a preliminary report, some 140 pupils have been poisoned with substandard foods of the “Lunch” program,
#baabar news

Cooperation agreement for a livestock commodity exchange signed

The Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Light Industry and the Mongolian Stock Exchange recently signed a cooperation agreement to be the first step in establishing a livestock commodity exchange.
#baabar news

Red Hill and Prophecy to start coal production this year

Red Hill Energy Inc. and Prophecy Resource Corp. have provided an update on recent activities underway to expedite production from Red Hill’s 100% owned Ulaan Ovoo thermal coal project in northern Mongolia.
#baabar news

Origo Partners opens new office in UB

Origo Partners, an AIM-listed private equity firm focused on China-linked core economic growth opportunities, has opened a new office in Ulaanbaatar and created a new fund, Origo Altai Partners, to invest in the country.
#baabar news

2009 Human Rights report on the condition of Mongolian women

Mongolia’s criminal code outlaws sexual intercourse through physical violence (or threat of violence) and provides for sentences of up to five years.
#baabar news

E. Bat-Uul on death penalty, politics, and “revolution”

MP E. Bat-Uul has expressed his views on the death penalty, politics, and society in an interesting interview with “”
#baabar news

Ф.Шопен хүүхдүүд

Монголын хөгжмийн урлагийн уурхай болсон Хөгжим бүжгийн коллежоор үргэлж сонин сайхан ихтэй байдаг билээ.
#чөлөөт цаг

Rio Tinto employees’ trial begins

Four employees of mining giant Rio Tinto - Australian national Stern Hu and three Chinese employees- all accused of taking bribes and violating commercial secrets, stood trial in China on Monday.
#baabar news

UB Railway is under review

The Russian delegates of “Ulaanbaatar Railway” Joint Cooperative have arrived in Ulaanbaatar to meet their Mongolian counterparts to attend the general committee meeting and focus on a possible increase of capital.
#baabar news

Entree Gold to start exploration in Shivee West

Entree Gold is set to begin first phase exploration of the Shivee West copper-gold-molybdenum prospect in southern Mongolia.
#baabar news

U.S. dollar firmer in Asia as Euro burdened by Greece

The U.S. dollar was firmer in Asia on Monday as concerns over Greece weighed on the euro ahead of a euro zone summit, while the aftershock of India’s surprise rate rise pressured currencies leveraged to global growth.
#baabar news

74 287 thousand hectares allocated for transhumance

Last week’s Cabinet Meeting made a decision to include areas totalling 74287 acres in the Bulgan province’s Bayannuur, Dashinchilen,
#baabar news

“KU” channels to increase nationwide

In relation to the implementation of the Government’s Activity Program in 2004-2008 and the increase of the number of TV channels across the country,
#baabar news

Chinalco hopes to participate in Oyu Tolgoi project

Chinalco, the top aluminium group in the country, will further expand into overseas resources, and its confidence remains undimmed by the failure to raise its stake in Rio Tinto, Chinalco President Xiong Weiping told Reuters.
#baabar news

Цохиврын чуулгын сүр хүчит тоглолт айсуй

Монголын хөгжимчид авьяас чадвартай, мэдрэмж өндөр, нөр их хичээл зүтгэлтэй,
#чөлөөт цаг

Oyutolgoi LLC proposal to set up a 24-mw diesel power plant accepted

The Energy Regulatory Authority has given its assent, as a special case, to a proposal by Oyutolgoi LLC to set up a 24-mw diesel power station and distribution network.
#baabar news

NGOs request investigation in Petrochina

A number of environmental protection movements in the country have jointly sent a report to the President,
#baabar news