Bloggers 1,382 нийтлэл байна

Mongolia ranks 39th in list of countries with natural gas

The exploration of 14 blocks in the Toson Uul oil deposit led by PetroChina Dachin Tamsag has revealed a total reserve of 119.02 million tons of crude oil.
#baabar news

Human Rights 2009 reports on corruption

Despite the fact that the law provides criminal penalties for official corruption in Mongolia,
#baabar news

July 1st incident 2nd open hearing scheduled for April 14

MP Kh. Temuujin, head of the working group set up to assess possible human rights violations during the July 1 incidents,
#baabar news

USD17.2 million to be spent on Property Rights Project

According to a study, only 7.5% of UB’s metropolitan citizens own land, despite the launching of a land owning campaign in 2003.
#baabar news

Ya. Sodbaatar denies talks with D. Surenkhor

Ya. Sodbaatar, director of the State Special Inspection Agency denied in an interview that he has talked to former
#baabar news

Minister D. Zorigt speaks on Oyutolgoi

MP D. Zorigt, Minister for Minerals and Energy has expressed himself in an interview on Oyu Tolgoi and Tavan Tolgoi projects.
#baabar news

Иракийн парламентын сонгуулийн дүн гарахгүй байна

Одоогоос хоёр долоо хоногийн өмнө Иракт парламентын сонгууль болсон билээ. Гэвч саналын хуудсыг тоолох ажил одоо болтол дуусаагүй байна.
#дэлхий дахинд

Is the Human Development Fund positive or negative?

Around 1.3 million children, elders and disabled citizens have already received MNT70 thousand each from the Human Development Fund before Tsagaan Sar
#baabar news

Chinalco in talks about JV with Rio Tinto

China’s top state-owned nonferrous metals company Chinalco has confirmed in a Chinese newspaper
#baabar news

Reuters releases timeline of Mongolia’s key investment decisions

1990 - Mongolia opens the door to overseas companies after passing the Foreign Investment Law,
#baabar news

Dangerous and clinical waste management discussed

Reports and information about roles and participation in eliminating and burying dangerous waste were handed out to the participants
#baabar news

Kiu Hung Energy to buy HKUSD1.4-bln coal asset in Mongolia

Mar. 18, 2010 (China Knowledge) - Kiu Hung Energy Holdings Ltd0381, which was formerly known as Kiu Hung International Holdings Ltd,
#baabar news

Red Hill Energy Inc. and Prophecy Resource Corp.: Preparations Underway for Mongolian Coal Production Red Hill Negotiates Purchase of Ulaan Ovoo N.S.

Red Hill Energy has engaged Wardrop Engineering Inc., a leading international mining engineering company,
#baabar news

Б.Ельцины охин улс төрд орно

ОХУ-ын анхны Ерөнхийлөгч гэгддэг Б.Ельцины охин Татьяна Дьяченко (Юмашева) улс төрд орохоор бэлтгэж байна.
#дэлхий дахинд

Shenshua still pursues Tavan Tolgoi project

According to Reuters, China Shenhua Energy Co Ltd said it is still in the running for a stake in Mongolia’s massive Tavan Tolgoi project,
#baabar news

President proposes initiatives to alleviate present and future rural crisis

Mongolia’s President Elbegdorj visited several western provinces during his tour of the country from February 27 to March 5, 2010.
#baabar news

Forum on Hong Kong Listing of Mongolian Enterprises

he Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency of Mongolia in conjunction with Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing,
#baabar news

“Гэгээн Муза”-гийн эзнээр хэн хэн тодрох бол?

Драмын урлагийн оны шилдэг бүтээл, уран бүтээлч шалгаруулах “Гэгээн Муза” долоо дахь удаагийн наадам эхлэх гэж байна.
#чөлөөт цаг

Ким Чен Ир гурван жилээс илүү амьдрахгүй

БНАСАУ-ын удирдагч гурван жилээс илүү амьдрахгүй гэнэ.
#дэлхий дахинд

Khovsgol police campaigns against alcoholism

Mongolia’s Police Department in association with the “AA” club NGO is running a campaign against alcoholism in the Khovsgol province.
#baabar news

BOJ likely to announce additional easing measures

The yen was on defensive on Monday, hovering within striking distance of three-week lows against the U.S. dollar, on growing expectations the Bank of Japan could mull loosening monetary policy further this week.
#baabar news

Mongolians trains Afghan soldiers

According to the NATO Training Mission,
#baabar news

Human Right 2009 report on Mongolia’s prisons and detention conditions

The 2009 human right report has described conditions in Mongolian prisons as poor but improving significantly during the year.
#baabar news

170 Mongolian students compete for place in Turkish Olympiads

Students from Mongolia have put their Turkish skills to the test in the Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator for a chance to participate in the 8th Turkish Olympiads.
#baabar news

Key resources moves by Mongolia since 1990

May 2009 - Russian mining company Altan Dornod Mongol sues the Mongolian government for USD1 billion at the Frankfurt Court of International Arbitration, saying the windfall tax violates international law.
#baabar news

Таксин Чинават тэмцэлээ үргэлжлүүлсээр байна

Тайландын байдал дахин тогтворгүй боллоо. Өнгөрсөн амралтын өдрүүдэд Бангкок хотноо сөрөг хүчнийхэн эсэргүүцлийн цуглаан зохион байгуулж түүнд хэдэн мянган хүн оролцсон.
#дэлхий дахинд

Rio Tinto to explore JV possibility with Chinalco

Australian mining giant Rio Tinto is interested to set up a joint venture with Aluminum Corp of China, the largest alumina producer in the country and also the largest shareholder of Rio Tinto with a 9% stake.
#baabar news

Тасралтгүй үргэлжлэх дуу хуур

Амьдрал сайхан байгаагийн шинж ч юм уу, Монголд баяр ёслол, найр наадам, дуу хуур тасралтгүй үргэлжилсээр.
#чөлөөт цаг

Их дуучны яриа

Монголын дуурийн урлагт шинэ үе төрлөө хэмээн дуурийн гоцлооч, ардын жүжигчин, Х.Уртнасан хэдхэн хоногийн өмнө хэлсэн юм.
#чөлөөт цаг

Төрийн нарийн бичгийн дарга асан Д.Сүрэнхорыг онгоцны буудлаас баривчиллаа

-Тэрээр улс болоод хувь хүнд 150 сая төгрөгийн хохирол учруулаад оргон зайлсан юм-