Энэ 7 хоногт
Европын холбоон дахь уламжлалт, “алтан” хөршүүд Монголын улс төрд ардчиллыг, эдийн засагт технологийг “бэлэглэнэ”
Европын холбоон дахь уламжлалт, “алтан” хөршүүд Монголын улс төрд ардчиллыг, эдийн засагт технологийг “бэлэглэнэ”
“Ухаа худагийн лицензийн асуудалд “буу тулгаж” аваагүй хувийн хэвшлийнхэн бус найр тавьсан улстөрчид нь хариуцлага хүлээх ёстой!
Frontier securities underscores need for improvements in border and infrastructure at mongolia investment summit 2010
Frontier Securities recently provided some insights for momentum in Mongolian investments, participating in latest Mongolia Investment Summit, October 14, 2010, Hong Kong,
October 25, 2010
Frontier Securities recently provided some insights for momentum in Mongolian investments, participating in latest Mongolia Investment Summit, October 14, 2010, Hong Kong, an event that serves as a catalyst for Mongolian investment industry by drawing Government representatives, miners, investors, and industry thought leaders into one location where they can discuss the latest developments and chart a course for further progress.
After Minister of Mineral Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt has said in Mongolian government keynote”Why invest in Mongolia-Building Mongolia into North Asia’s premier investment opportunities”
that “ the Parliament of Mongolia passed law on Public-private partnership to define principles and scope of cooperation of the Government and private sector partnership” and invited private sector to “ huge opportunities in infrastructure and energy related projects such as rail and auto roads, pipelines, power lines and water supply,”
panelist Masa Igata, Chief Executive Officer and founder of Frontier Securities, told more than 200 attendees:
“Political stability and Government’s firm support for transparent foreign investment is translating into decrease of risk premium for Mongolia and more money is becoming available from Mongolian projects. Enthusiastic receipt by investors of MMC IPO is indicative of investor appetite for attractive Mongolian growth stories. Success of TDB notes will help dissolve banking credit crunch and provide much needed capital for vital domestic industries that provide a lot of jobs for Mongolians such as construction and lower interest rates for Mongolian companies.”
“Attention must be focused now on border and infrastructure issues”, he noted, “as improvements in infrastructure, besides potentially being profitable by themselves, will lead increase in bankable projects in current champions of Mongolian minerals such as coking coal and iron ore and will set the stage for robust comeback of copper and gold in view of repeal of WPT as of January 1, 2011.”
“In this dynamic economic environment, it"s important to refocus on core strengths and strategies”, Oscar Mendoza, co-Chief Operating Officer, who also heads Frontier Securities research team, participating at “Developing infrastructure to fulfill the potential of Mongolia’s natural resources sector” panel has said. "I was encouraged by the messages of how important it is to refocus on infrastructure, its financing, political will and legislative improvement," he said, adding that “increasing transparency is essential to the sector"s growth. Frontier Securities’ commitment to Mongolian growth is as strong as ever."
At the three-day gathering, senior representatives of Government of Mongolia and Mongolian mining and investment industry leaders, investors and other attendees exchanged ideas and discussed momentum in Mongolian investments, especially ways to raise equity and debt capital, and successful strategies that are helping to fuel the growth of the companies.
Frontier Securities recently provided some insights for momentum in Mongolian investments, participating in latest Mongolia Investment Summit, October 14, 2010, Hong Kong, an event that serves as a catalyst for Mongolian investment industry by drawing Government representatives, miners, investors, and industry thought leaders into one location where they can discuss the latest developments and chart a course for further progress.
After Minister of Mineral Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt has said in Mongolian government keynote”Why invest in Mongolia-Building Mongolia into North Asia’s premier investment opportunities”
that “ the Parliament of Mongolia passed law on Public-private partnership to define principles and scope of cooperation of the Government and private sector partnership” and invited private sector to “ huge opportunities in infrastructure and energy related projects such as rail and auto roads, pipelines, power lines and water supply,”
panelist Masa Igata, Chief Executive Officer and founder of Frontier Securities, told more than 200 attendees:
“Political stability and Government’s firm support for transparent foreign investment is translating into decrease of risk premium for Mongolia and more money is becoming available from Mongolian projects. Enthusiastic receipt by investors of MMC IPO is indicative of investor appetite for attractive Mongolian growth stories. Success of TDB notes will help dissolve banking credit crunch and provide much needed capital for vital domestic industries that provide a lot of jobs for Mongolians such as construction and lower interest rates for Mongolian companies.”
“Attention must be focused now on border and infrastructure issues”, he noted, “as improvements in infrastructure, besides potentially being profitable by themselves, will lead increase in bankable projects in current champions of Mongolian minerals such as coking coal and iron ore and will set the stage for robust comeback of copper and gold in view of repeal of WPT as of January 1, 2011.”
“In this dynamic economic environment, it"s important to refocus on core strengths and strategies”, Oscar Mendoza, co-Chief Operating Officer, who also heads Frontier Securities research team, participating at “Developing infrastructure to fulfill the potential of Mongolia’s natural resources sector” panel has said. "I was encouraged by the messages of how important it is to refocus on infrastructure, its financing, political will and legislative improvement," he said, adding that “increasing transparency is essential to the sector"s growth. Frontier Securities’ commitment to Mongolian growth is as strong as ever."
At the three-day gathering, senior representatives of Government of Mongolia and Mongolian mining and investment industry leaders, investors and other attendees exchanged ideas and discussed momentum in Mongolian investments, especially ways to raise equity and debt capital, and successful strategies that are helping to fuel the growth of the companies.
Ronald Smith
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Ronald Smith
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