Энэ 7 хоногт
Европын холбоон дахь уламжлалт, “алтан” хөршүүд Монголын улс төрд ардчиллыг, эдийн засагт технологийг “бэлэглэнэ”
“Ухаа худагийн лицензийн асуудалд “буу тулгаж” аваагүй хувийн хэвшлийнхэн бус найр тавьсан улстөрчид нь хариуцлага хүлээх ёстой!
“Ухаа худагийн лицензийн асуудалд “буу тулгаж” аваагүй хувийн хэвшлийнхэн бус найр тавьсан улстөрчид нь хариуцлага хүлээх ёстой!
Installed wind power capacity hits 7.67 mln kW in Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia is rich in wind resources. The region’s installed capacity of on-grid wind power takes up one third of the country’s total.
BEIJING, Jun. 13, 2010 (Xinhua News Agency) -- The installed on-grid wind power capacity of northern China"s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region surged 140.57 percent from a year earlier to 7.67 million kW by the end of May, according to data released by the region"s Commission of Economy and Information Technology.
Inner Mongolia is rich in wind resources. The region"s installed capacity of on-grid wind power takes up one third of the country"s total. The figure has more than doubled for six consecutive years. So far, five cities in the region each have installed windmills of more than 1 million kW.
In the first five months of this year, Inner Mongolia"s large power plants with installed capacity above 6,000 kW, together generated 109.37 billion kWh of electricity, up 32.71 percent year on year. Their wind power generation soared 139.63 percent to 7.55 billion kWh.
The Regional Economy and Information Technology Commission said that the region has witnessed a sharp increase in electricity generation, consumption and outward delivery this year
Inner Mongolia is rich in wind resources. The region"s installed capacity of on-grid wind power takes up one third of the country"s total. The figure has more than doubled for six consecutive years. So far, five cities in the region each have installed windmills of more than 1 million kW.
In the first five months of this year, Inner Mongolia"s large power plants with installed capacity above 6,000 kW, together generated 109.37 billion kWh of electricity, up 32.71 percent year on year. Their wind power generation soared 139.63 percent to 7.55 billion kWh.
The Regional Economy and Information Technology Commission said that the region has witnessed a sharp increase in electricity generation, consumption and outward delivery this year