Энэ 7 хоногт
Европын холбоон дахь уламжлалт, “алтан” хөршүүд Монголын улс төрд ардчиллыг, эдийн засагт технологийг “бэлэглэнэ”
“Ухаа худагийн лицензийн асуудалд “буу тулгаж” аваагүй хувийн хэвшлийнхэн бус найр тавьсан улстөрчид нь хариуцлага хүлээх ёстой!
“Ухаа худагийн лицензийн асуудалд “буу тулгаж” аваагүй хувийн хэвшлийнхэн бус найр тавьсан улстөрчид нь хариуцлага хүлээх ёстой!
Pm campaigns west promoting great productive development based on mining, firmly supports “open,
Enclosed please find your Frontier financial markets summary for August 12, 2010 featuring our summary report on tour of nine western provinces by Prime Minister S.Batbold .
Enclosed please find your Frontier financial markets summary for August 12, 2010 featuring our summary report on tour of nine western provinces by Prime Minister S.Batbold .
Pm campaigns west promoting great productive development based on mining, firmly supports “open, transparent and just” foreign investment that will bring “major development”.

Prime Minister S.Batbold seems to have the most productive summer holidays among Mongolian statesmen combining important state business with well-deserved break after very productive Spring session of Parliament during his tour of western nine provinces from July 23,2010 till August 15,2010, time of traditional summer slowdown in Mongolian politics.
Prime Minister has campaigned energetically promoting his Government’s ambitious program of great productive development of industrialization based on mining.
According to Government News agency Montsame, “Prime Minister S.Batbold was in the western provinces last week as part of his extended tour of the countryside on a fact-finding mission. He held meetings with citizens at province capitals and at several district centers to explain the Government’s policies, programs and achievements as also to listen to people’s grievances and demands, most of which related to improving infrastructure, and generating employment and other issues”.
“Everywhere he spoke, Mr. Batbold asked people to discuss problems among themselves and come up with suggestions on how their condition could be improved. He promised careful consideration of all such good ideas received from the grassroots. He also urged households to make their own preparations, and not to depend totally on the authorities. “
Besides all these worthwhile works, Prime Minister has made several important and encouraging for investors decisions and expressed his firm stances on issue of significance for investors.

According to Media Office of the Government of Mongolia on August 9, 2010 Prime Minister of Mongolia S.Batbold have made introductory visit to MEC’s Khushuut Mine during his work in Khovd Province. In a speech in Khovd province, Prime Minister has said that “ Government will support any initiatives for major development on regional scale such as Khushuut mine, only operations must be open, transparent and just. Local authorities’ performance will be evaluated on number of jobs created.”
According to major Mongolian daily “ Unen” on August 11, 2010, “Prime Minister S.Batbold has stressed during meeting with citizens in Uliastai soum/village that it is in fact necessary to speed up work of thermal power plant based on Mogoi Gol coal deposit. Government has supported Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) even twice. However, there has been opposition of some MPs.
Prime Minister has said:
“ Some MPs say that Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) cannot be built. This time after visiting, talking and hearing local citizens of northern part of Zavkhan and Khuvsgul province, making conclusion from what I saw myself I view it is correct to have Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) start its full operation in November of 2011 as planned” and have informed residents of Zavkhan province that Government will work for that.”
According to Frontier Securities research,
“On December 29, 2009, Mongolia-China joint venture YUANDA GROUP announced that it and its partner NEW ASIA MINING GROUP have signed an Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management contract (EPCM) with the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mongolia, to construct a 60MW coal-fired Power Plant, based on Mogoin gol Coal Mine in northwestern Hovsgol Province in order to provide two provinces without reliable energy source namely Zavkhan and Gobi-Altai in western Mongolia.”
During work in Bayankhongor province on August 11,2010 Prime Minister has praised Erdene Resources’ Zuun Mod copper and moly deposit at Shinejist soum of the province calling it “the OT for the province, it’s reserves are possibly three times more than Erdenet”.
On August 6,2010 Prime Minister informed resident of Kazakh minority province Bayan-Ulgii that “Asgat silver deposit has been explored since 1976, feasibility study is ready, joint Government/Parliament taskforce has been formed”, and that” if investor will be found it is possible to mine Asgat, the issue will be resolved before 2012.”
Prime Minister has also stated his firm commitment to environment stating on July 30,2010 during his work in Khuvsgul province that Burenkhaan phosphorite strategic deposit will not be mined if there will be negative effects to the environment, in particular, to the pristine Khuvsgul Lake.
It is view of Frontier Securities that this trip has increased notably stature of the Prime Minister as strong political leader in Mongolia. Media reports that “majority of population supports the Coalition Government and is just wary of any fight between the ruling parties.”
Moreover, Prime Minister has expressed his firm support for “open, transparent and just” foreign investment that will bring “major development”.

Pm campaigns west promoting great productive development based on mining, firmly supports “open, transparent and just” foreign investment that will bring “major development”.

Prime Minister S.Batbold seems to have the most productive summer holidays among Mongolian statesmen combining important state business with well-deserved break after very productive Spring session of Parliament during his tour of western nine provinces from July 23,2010 till August 15,2010, time of traditional summer slowdown in Mongolian politics.
Prime Minister has campaigned energetically promoting his Government’s ambitious program of great productive development of industrialization based on mining.
According to Government News agency Montsame, “Prime Minister S.Batbold was in the western provinces last week as part of his extended tour of the countryside on a fact-finding mission. He held meetings with citizens at province capitals and at several district centers to explain the Government’s policies, programs and achievements as also to listen to people’s grievances and demands, most of which related to improving infrastructure, and generating employment and other issues”.
“Everywhere he spoke, Mr. Batbold asked people to discuss problems among themselves and come up with suggestions on how their condition could be improved. He promised careful consideration of all such good ideas received from the grassroots. He also urged households to make their own preparations, and not to depend totally on the authorities. “
Besides all these worthwhile works, Prime Minister has made several important and encouraging for investors decisions and expressed his firm stances on issue of significance for investors.

According to Media Office of the Government of Mongolia on August 9, 2010 Prime Minister of Mongolia S.Batbold have made introductory visit to MEC’s Khushuut Mine during his work in Khovd Province. In a speech in Khovd province, Prime Minister has said that “ Government will support any initiatives for major development on regional scale such as Khushuut mine, only operations must be open, transparent and just. Local authorities’ performance will be evaluated on number of jobs created.”
According to major Mongolian daily “ Unen” on August 11, 2010, “Prime Minister S.Batbold has stressed during meeting with citizens in Uliastai soum/village that it is in fact necessary to speed up work of thermal power plant based on Mogoi Gol coal deposit. Government has supported Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) even twice. However, there has been opposition of some MPs.
Prime Minister has said:
“ Some MPs say that Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) cannot be built. This time after visiting, talking and hearing local citizens of northern part of Zavkhan and Khuvsgul province, making conclusion from what I saw myself I view it is correct to have Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) start its full operation in November of 2011 as planned” and have informed residents of Zavkhan province that Government will work for that.”
According to Frontier Securities research,
“On December 29, 2009, Mongolia-China joint venture YUANDA GROUP announced that it and its partner NEW ASIA MINING GROUP have signed an Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management contract (EPCM) with the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mongolia, to construct a 60MW coal-fired Power Plant, based on Mogoin gol Coal Mine in northwestern Hovsgol Province in order to provide two provinces without reliable energy source namely Zavkhan and Gobi-Altai in western Mongolia.”
During work in Bayankhongor province on August 11,2010 Prime Minister has praised Erdene Resources’ Zuun Mod copper and moly deposit at Shinejist soum of the province calling it “the OT for the province, it’s reserves are possibly three times more than Erdenet”.
On August 6,2010 Prime Minister informed resident of Kazakh minority province Bayan-Ulgii that “Asgat silver deposit has been explored since 1976, feasibility study is ready, joint Government/Parliament taskforce has been formed”, and that” if investor will be found it is possible to mine Asgat, the issue will be resolved before 2012.”
Prime Minister has also stated his firm commitment to environment stating on July 30,2010 during his work in Khuvsgul province that Burenkhaan phosphorite strategic deposit will not be mined if there will be negative effects to the environment, in particular, to the pristine Khuvsgul Lake.
It is view of Frontier Securities that this trip has increased notably stature of the Prime Minister as strong political leader in Mongolia. Media reports that “majority of population supports the Coalition Government and is just wary of any fight between the ruling parties.”
Moreover, Prime Minister has expressed his firm support for “open, transparent and just” foreign investment that will bring “major development”.