Энэ 7 хоногт
Mongolian Mineral Exploration Roundup 2010
A new era of mining and exploration is dawning in Mongolia which makes this month’s Mongolia Mineral Exploration Roundup – 2010 in Ulaanbaatar a very important forum.

A new era of mining and exploration is dawning in Mongolia which makes this month’s Mongolia Mineral Exploration Roundup – 2010 in Ulaanbaatar a very important forum.
New mining laws and signing of an investment agreement for the massive Oyu Tolgoi project herald the start of the new era, which seems certain to see Mongolia’s treasure of mineral resources opened up.
The growing need to feed China’s burgeoning economy puts Mongolia in the best place to capitalize for the benefit of the entire nation.
Mineral Exploration Roundup - 2010 will examine the geology and exploration of ore deposits in Mongolia and their genesis, geotectonics and metallogeny. It will also focus on the energy mineral resources of Mongolia, including uranium and coal.
It will also be the opportunity to discuss the changing nature of the country’s exploration and mining potential.
The conference will be held from March 12-14 at the Conference Hall in the Russian Science and Cultural Centre in Ulaanbaatar and is expected to attract delegates from around the world who are keen to learn more about Mongolia’s emerging mining industry.
The event is being organized by the Ministry of Mineral Recources and Energy, Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia, Mongolian Society of Economic Geologists, The Geological Society of Mongolia, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, and the National University of Mongolia.
The Mongolian Society of Economic Geologists and the Geological Society of Mongolia intend to make this an annual event and attract even more interest from foreign companies already working or investing in Mongolia, as well as those considering this action.