YTD major decision-making and policy statements
YTD major decision-making and policy statements
· announcement of effectiveness OT IA, Government of Mongolia(GOM) visits and supports OT
· Prime Minister visits and supports transparent,just foreign investment in the West notably Mongolia Energy Corporation’s Khushuut coal mine and Yuanda Group’s Thermal Power Plant based on Mogoi Gol coal deposit,
· Prime Minister praises Erdene Resources’s Zuun Mod moly deposit
OT (Ivanhoe Mines, Rio Tinto)
According to Media Office of Government of Mongolia on August 28,2010 “Prime Minister of Mongolia S.Batbold got introduced to OT on August,25,2010.
Prime Minister has concluded:
“We saw OT project progress on site. Major productive development is going on and they are accomplishing not an easy job. We saw that goal of opening mine on time can be achieved.”
According to Media Office of Government of Mongolia on August 27,2010 in a speech in a townhall meeting in capital of Umnugobi (Southgobi) province of Mongolia,town of Dalanzadgad, Prime Minister has said:
“As a result of consistent work of the Government OT IA became effective last April. Today we are confident that it was not in vain. We saw OT progress on site, work of this major project that in total is to require 5,1 billion USD is undergoing actively and one third of the total investment has been already invested in Mongolia.
If work goes on with this kind of energy it is likely that after three years mining and industrial complex will be fully constructed and finished. There is research and calculations that at that time there will be three times more production than Erdenet. Think all that our Erdenet produces on its own about 40% of our GDP. Everyone can imagine what kind of productive development with great future has been started.”
“Therefore, Government of Mongolia will cooperate productively with investors by a way of fulfilling duties of IA and will work consistently in order to see final results of this project.”
Khushuut coal mine (Mongolia Energy Corporation)
According to Media Office of the Government of Mongolia on August 9, 2010 Prime Minister of Mongolia S.Batbold have made introductory visit to Mongolia Energy Corporation’s Khushuut Mine during his work in Khovd Province. In a speech in Khovd province, Prime Minister has said that “ Government will support any initiatives for major development on regional scale such as Khushuut mine, only operations must be open, transparent and just. Local authorities’ performance will be evaluated on number of jobs created.”
Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant based on Mogoi Gol coal deposit(EPCM by Mongolia-China joint venture YUANDA GROUP to construct a 60MW TPP in northwestern Hovsgol Province)
According to Media Office of the Government of Mongolia on September 7,2010 Prime Minister has assigned duty to Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt to prepare proposal regarding construction of Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant based on Mogoi Gol coal deposit and introduce to Government within September.”
Earlier , according to major Mongolian daily “ Unen” on August 11, 2010, “Prime Minister S.Batbold has stressed in a speech in Uliastai soum/village :
“ Some MPs say that Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) cannot be built. This time after visiting, talking and hearing local citizens of northern part of Zavkhan and Khuvsgul province, making conclusion from what I saw myself I view it is correct to have Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) start its full operation in November of 2011 as planned” and have informed residents of Zavkhan province that Government will work for that.”
Zuun Mod moly deposit (Erdene Resources)
According to Media Office of the Government of Mongolia , during work in Bayankhongor province on August 11,2010 Prime Minister has praised Erdene Resources’ Zuun Mod copper and moly deposit at Shinejist soum of the province calling it “the OT for the province, it’s reserves are possibly three times more than Erdenet”.
Frontier Securities views that Government of Mongolia and, in particular the Prime Minister, have expressed firm stance of the Government’s support for transparent and just foreign investment which is to bring major productive development
(Source: Media Office of Government of Mongolia,Unen, Frontier Securities, top photo from Government of Mongolia, bottom photo from Ivanhoe Mines)
YTD major decision-making and policy statements
· announcement of effectiveness OT IA, Government of Mongolia(GOM) visits and supports OT
· Prime Minister visits and supports transparent,just foreign investment in the West notably Mongolia Energy Corporation’s Khushuut coal mine and Yuanda Group’s Thermal Power Plant based on Mogoi Gol coal deposit,
· Prime Minister praises Erdene Resources’s Zuun Mod moly deposit
OT (Ivanhoe Mines, Rio Tinto)
According to Media Office of Government of Mongolia on August 28,2010 “Prime Minister of Mongolia S.Batbold got introduced to OT on August,25,2010.
Prime Minister has concluded:
“We saw OT project progress on site. Major productive development is going on and they are accomplishing not an easy job. We saw that goal of opening mine on time can be achieved.”
According to Media Office of Government of Mongolia on August 27,2010 in a speech in a townhall meeting in capital of Umnugobi (Southgobi) province of Mongolia,town of Dalanzadgad, Prime Minister has said:
“As a result of consistent work of the Government OT IA became effective last April. Today we are confident that it was not in vain. We saw OT progress on site, work of this major project that in total is to require 5,1 billion USD is undergoing actively and one third of the total investment has been already invested in Mongolia.
If work goes on with this kind of energy it is likely that after three years mining and industrial complex will be fully constructed and finished. There is research and calculations that at that time there will be three times more production than Erdenet. Think all that our Erdenet produces on its own about 40% of our GDP. Everyone can imagine what kind of productive development with great future has been started.”
“Therefore, Government of Mongolia will cooperate productively with investors by a way of fulfilling duties of IA and will work consistently in order to see final results of this project.”
Khushuut coal mine (Mongolia Energy Corporation)
According to Media Office of the Government of Mongolia on August 9, 2010 Prime Minister of Mongolia S.Batbold have made introductory visit to Mongolia Energy Corporation’s Khushuut Mine during his work in Khovd Province. In a speech in Khovd province, Prime Minister has said that “ Government will support any initiatives for major development on regional scale such as Khushuut mine, only operations must be open, transparent and just. Local authorities’ performance will be evaluated on number of jobs created.”
Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant based on Mogoi Gol coal deposit(EPCM by Mongolia-China joint venture YUANDA GROUP to construct a 60MW TPP in northwestern Hovsgol Province)
According to Media Office of the Government of Mongolia on September 7,2010 Prime Minister has assigned duty to Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt to prepare proposal regarding construction of Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant based on Mogoi Gol coal deposit and introduce to Government within September.”
Earlier , according to major Mongolian daily “ Unen” on August 11, 2010, “Prime Minister S.Batbold has stressed in a speech in Uliastai soum/village :
“ Some MPs say that Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) cannot be built. This time after visiting, talking and hearing local citizens of northern part of Zavkhan and Khuvsgul province, making conclusion from what I saw myself I view it is correct to have Mogoi Gol Thermal Power Plant (TPP) start its full operation in November of 2011 as planned” and have informed residents of Zavkhan province that Government will work for that.”
Zuun Mod moly deposit (Erdene Resources)
According to Media Office of the Government of Mongolia , during work in Bayankhongor province on August 11,2010 Prime Minister has praised Erdene Resources’ Zuun Mod copper and moly deposit at Shinejist soum of the province calling it “the OT for the province, it’s reserves are possibly three times more than Erdenet”.
Frontier Securities views that Government of Mongolia and, in particular the Prime Minister, have expressed firm stance of the Government’s support for transparent and just foreign investment which is to bring major productive development
(Source: Media Office of Government of Mongolia,Unen, Frontier Securities, top photo from Government of Mongolia, bottom photo from Ivanhoe Mines)