Энэ 7 хоногт
Европын холбоон дахь уламжлалт, “алтан” хөршүүд Монголын улс төрд ардчиллыг, эдийн засагт технологийг “бэлэглэнэ”
Европын холбоон дахь уламжлалт, “алтан” хөршүүд Монголын улс төрд ардчиллыг, эдийн засагт технологийг “бэлэглэнэ”
“Ухаа худагийн лицензийн асуудалд “буу тулгаж” аваагүй хувийн хэвшлийнхэн бус найр тавьсан улстөрчид нь хариуцлага хүлээх ёстой!
Chinese premier’s visit will enhances bilateral cooperation: Mongolian PM
Mongolian Prime Minister Sukhbaataryn Batbold said Tuesday Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Mongolia early June contributed significantly to bilateral relations and cooperation, especially in economic and commercial ties.
ULAN BATOR, June 22 (Xinhua) -- Mongolian Prime Minister Sukhbaataryn Batbold said Tuesday Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao"s visit to Mongolia early June contributed significantly to bilateral relations and cooperation, especially in economic and commercial ties.
The high-level meeting mechanism played an important role in developing comprehensive Mongolia-China cooperation, Batbold said in an interview with China"s English-language newspaper China Daily.
Wen visited Mongolia on June 1-2. The two premiers agreed to strengthen the cooperation in areas including mining, infrastructure, culture and education, and to increase trade volume.
As a landlocked country, Mongolia wants to boost the cooperation in logistics and transportation services.
Batbold said the two countries had great opportunities to cooperate in developing agriculture and infrastructure, and providing jobs related to manufacturing value-added products.
The Mongolian government would continue its open policies and would encourage the development of enterprises with environmentally friendly technologies and social responsibilities, he said.
The high-level meeting mechanism played an important role in developing comprehensive Mongolia-China cooperation, Batbold said in an interview with China"s English-language newspaper China Daily.
Wen visited Mongolia on June 1-2. The two premiers agreed to strengthen the cooperation in areas including mining, infrastructure, culture and education, and to increase trade volume.
As a landlocked country, Mongolia wants to boost the cooperation in logistics and transportation services.
Batbold said the two countries had great opportunities to cooperate in developing agriculture and infrastructure, and providing jobs related to manufacturing value-added products.
The Mongolian government would continue its open policies and would encourage the development of enterprises with environmentally friendly technologies and social responsibilities, he said.