Bloggers 1,382 нийтлэл байна

Parliament supported building first railroad from TT to sainshand industrial park and further to eastern border

According to leading Mongolian news portal on June 21, 2010 united session of Parliament last Friday has made initial reading of the draft Parliament resolution on state policy on rail road transportation.
#baabar news


According to Media Office of Government of Mongolia on June 10,2010 Prime Minister S.Batbold has said in a speech during united session of Parliament on issue of mining Tavan Tolgoi:
#baabar news

Chinese premier’s visit will enhances bilateral cooperation: Mongolian PM

Mongolian Prime Minister Sukhbaataryn Batbold said Tuesday Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to Mongolia early June contributed significantly to bilateral relations and cooperation, especially in economic and commercial ties.
#baabar news

Хөлбөмбөгийг “талбай дээрээс нь” үзээрэй

Хөлбөмбөгийн Дэлхийн аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээнийг 3D технологиор ӨАБНУ-аас дэлхий дахинаа шууд дамжуулж эхэллээ.

Mongolian Christians want to connect to global body

Though the world’s second largest landlocked country, Mongolia is sparsely populated with only 2.9 million people, and less than one percent of Mongolians are Christians
#baabar news

Sumo Scandal Heats Up Ahead of Nagoya

Sumo fans may see fewer wrestlers at the next tournament — if they see a tournament at all.
#baabar news

Mongolia Scales Back Bond Sale Plan to usd500 Million

Mongolia’s government scaled back its plans for global bond sales this year, after Europe’s debt crisis drove up borrowing costs.
#baabar news

Mongolian president speaks highly of relations with China

Mongolian President Tsakhia Elbegdorj said here Friday that the good-neighborly partnership of mutual trust between his country and China is developing across all areas.
#baabar news

Монгол Улсад Эрүүгийн хууль хэрэггүй

УИХ-аар хэлэлцэх асуудлын жагсаалтад эрүүгийн хуульд өөрчлөлт оруулах асуудлыг авч хэлэлцэхээр оруулсан байна.

Mongolia can be next big commodity story, says RCM CIO

Mongolia is set to reap large economic benefits from neighbouring China’s increasing demand for commodities over the next few decades to accommodate the country’s expected growth, according to RCM’s Asian expert Raymond Chan.
#baabar news

БИД ба ТЭД бас ЭНЭ ба ТЭР

Дарамсала- Далай ламын суугаа газар. Гэхдээ энэ бол Энэтхэгийн Химчал Пара­дейш мужийн Кангра районд байх уулын жижигхэн хот.
#блог #нийтлэл

Монголын Үрс Улам Цөөрөх Болтугай

Монгол хүн амны билгээрээ гэдэг дээ. Монголын үрс цөөрөөсэй гэж хуцаж байгаа над шиг ... бол ёстой адгийн шаар, хүн хог байж таараа тийм ээ.

Төрөлт багасвал цалин нэмэгдэнэ

Төсвийнхөн цалингаа нэмүүлнэ гэнэ. Цалин нэмэхийн тулд улсын төсөв зузаан байх ёстой. Төсөв зузаан байхын тулд хувийн хэвшлийнхэн их татвар төлөх ёстой.

Analysis: Asia exchanges battle for resource-rich Mongolia IPOs

(Reuters) - Asia’s major stock exchanges have launched an all-out battle for IPOs from the land of Genghis Khan, with Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong jostling for a slice of the action from resource-rich and landlocked Mongolia.
#baabar news

Cooperation between Lithuania and Mongolia was discussed During consultations in Ulaanbaatar

During consultations in Ulaanbaatar on 15 June, Lithuania’s Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Šarūnas Adomavičius and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Mongolia Bayarbaatar Bolor
#baabar news

Mongolia Offers World’s No. 1 Resources Through Foreign IPOs

Mongolia’s plan to privatize its state-owned assets will allow international investors access to some of the world’s largest untapped mineral resources through initial public share sales, most likely in Hong Kong.
#baabar news

UPDATE 1-Mongolia to list copper mine talks to LSE, Nasdaq

ULAN BATOR, June 15 (Reuters) - Mongolia plans to take public its Oyu Tolgoi mine, one of the world’s biggest untapped copper and gold deposits,
#baabar news

Australian miner Hunu Coal acquires new coal reserves in Mongolia

Perth, Australia-based coal miner Hunu Coal
#baabar news

Push to draw Chinalco into Oyu Tolgoi

said the earliest a decision about whether Chinalco could participate in the development of the Oyu Tolgoi project may come next month.
#baabar news

Installed wind power capacity hits 7.67 mln kW in Inner Mongolia

Inner Mongolia is rich in wind resources. The region’s installed capacity of on-grid wind power takes up one third of the country’s total.
#baabar news

Банкууд ДАШТ-д бооцоо тавьжээ

Энэ жил дэлхийн шилдэг хөрөнгө оруулалтын банкууд Хөлбөмбөгийн ДАШТ-ий талаар таамаглал дэвшүүлдэг маркетингийн шинэ арга бодож олжээ.
#блог #нийтлэл

Base Camp Mongolia: Our Summer Research Goals

There is one more week left before Orjan takes a break from fieldwork.
#baabar news

SCO is the biggest and most influential organization in the region

RIA Novosti interview with Fyodor Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief, Russia in Global Affairs Magazine, Member of the Presidium, Council on Foreign and Defense Policy.
#baabar news

Undraa Agvaanluvsan named advisor to Mongolia’s foreign minister

She recently completed her tenure as deputy director of the Institute for Strategic Studies of the National Security Council of Mongolia,
#baabar news

Hunnu Coal walking among giants in Tavan Tolgoi Coking Coal Field in Mongolia

The Tavan Tolgoi Coking Coal Field is estimated to host over six billion tonnes of coking and thermal coal in the South Gobi region of Mongolia.
#baabar news

Mongolia to List Major Asset

Mongolian Prime Minister Sukhbaatar Batbold plans to list 20percent to 30percent of Tavan Tolgoi, the country’s giant coking coal deposit, on the Mongolian Stock Exchange, a person familiar with the situation said Monday.
#baabar news

Mongolian herders struggle with losses

Fifth of livestock in country killed by harsh winter
#baabar news

Erdene Announces Appointment of Xstrata Coal’s Malcolm Cox to Board, Provides Zuun Mod Molybdenum Project Update

”With respect to our Zuun Mod Molybdenum Project, we have been working with the authorities in Mongolia to advance the project through the various regulatory stages of converting our exploration license to a mining license
#baabar news

Байгалийн баялгийн орлогыг хэрхэн зарцуулах вэ?

Түүхий эдийн үнэ 2003 оноос өсч эхэлсэн нь байгалийн баялаг ихтэй олон оронд эдийн засгийн өсөлтийг нэмэгдүүлсэн боловч 2008 онд унасан нь байгалийн баялгийн орлогыг зөв, зохистой зарцуулж байж л түүний үр шимийг хүртдэгийг сануулсан
#эдийн засаг #нийтлэл

Баян гуйлгачингууд ба ядуу баячууд

Дэлхийн хамгийн баян орон бол яах аргагүй Америкийн Нэгдсэн Улс. Хүний хэрэгт дуртай гаруудын гаргасан сүүлийн үеийн тооцоогоор энэ оронд 7.8 сая бачканууд дор хаяж usd1 сая долларраар тоологдох хөрөнгөтэй гэнэ.