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Now Invading Downtown San Jose

”Genghis Khan: The Exhibition” opens at The Tech Museum in San Jose
#baabar news

The Mobicom Uul: The Real Story of Orjan’s “holy” Mountain

I have never received an explanation of what that mountain is until a few weeks ago when Miji and I needed to talk to Bayara in Ulan Bator.

Би явлаа

Бурхан Буддагийн Их дүйцсэн өдөрт
#чөлөөт цаг #блог

Opera travels from Mongolia to Expo, by way of Broadway

Part Broadway, part Asian steppes, the first modern opera from China’s Inner Mongolia is getting its premiere at the World Expo.
#baabar news

Мардай дахь Оросын хувь магадтай юу?

Олны анхаарал татаж байгаа олон асуудлын нэг нь Мардай. Ураан гэдэг цацраг идэвхит бодисын нэртэй хоршиж дуулддаг энэ нэр монголчуудын хувьд “хориотой”, “хаалттай”, “аюултай”, “тусгай” гэх зэрэг давхар утгатай сонсогддог байлаа.


Сурвалжлагч нэг оюутнаас асууж байгаа байхгүй юу. За тэгээд сургуулиа төгсөөд юу хийх гэж байна гэсэн чинь цаад дурак нь хариулах нь гэж оролдож байгаа царай нь гэнээ.

Pizarro: ’Genghis Khan’ exhibition worth invading

I’ve never thought about a feared Mongol warlord this way, but I’ve got a good feeling about Genghis Khan.
#baabar news

Ураантай Мардайн бараантай тавилан

Подстамд Сталин, Трүмэн хоёр хэдхэн үг сольсныг дүрсэлсэн нэг кино байдаг даа. “Бид нэг онцгой зэвсэгтэй боллоо” гэж Трүмэнийг тандсан байдалтай хэлэхэд Сталин огтхон ч цочирдсон дүр үзүүлэлгүй, “

Kazakhs maintain culture and tradition in Mongolia

ULAANBAATAR: Mongolia is largely a homogenous country, but pockets of ethnic minorities can still be found on its vast landscape.
#baabar news

Амлалтаа аргалах арга бас байна

Саяханаас сонгуулаар амласан 1,5 сая төгрөгийг иргэн бүртээ хүртээх тухай ярилцаж эхлэв бололтой Энэ мөнгөнөөс Эрүүл мэндийн салбарт буюу иргэн бүрт 250000 мянган төгрөг өгч эрүүл мэндийнхээ үйлчилгээнд хэрэглэ гэх болтой Үүнийг яаж зарцуулах талаар ЗГ-ын тогтоол гарч.

Winter Leaves Mongolians a Harvest of Carcasses

The last serious zuds, three consecutive harsh winters between 1999 and 2002,
#baabar news

Four babies, one year

The film explores the differences and similarities in cultures’ baby rearing, breast feeding and teaching methods.
#baabar news

Socks for Happy People brings warmth to Mongolian children

Socks for Happy People has partnered with the Christina Noble Children’s Foundation to start a Buy One, Give One Free initiative to help give warm socks to children living in Mongolia.
#baabar news

Нэг Сталины хоёр монгол улс байгуулах төсөл

Уг нь шууд утгаараа бол оросуудын хувьд л эх орноо хамгаалсан гэсэн утгатай болохоос манай эх орны дайн биш л дээ.

SouthGobi Suspends Mongolia Mine Rail-Link Plan

SouthGobi Resources Ltd., the coal miner backed by China’s sovereign wealth fund, halted plans to build a rail link between its pit in southern Mongolia and the Chinese border because of uncertainty over government policy.
#baabar news

Jan. - April was planet’s warmest on record

”The combined global land and ocean surface temperature for January–April period was the warmest January-April period on record. This value is 0.69°C (1.24°F) above the 20th century average.
#baabar news

Itochu Targets Mongolian Coal to Expand Trade as Prices Surge

May 17 (Bloomberg) -- Itochu Corp., Japan’s fourth-largest trading company, invested in Winsway Coking Coal Holdings Ltd. to secure coal from Mongolia, stepping up competition with China and Russia for the steelmaking ingredient as prices jump
#baabar news

Support For Mongolia’s Development

International experience can be helpful as Mongolia makes choices about its future
#baabar news

Will cash-for-carcasses work in Mongolia

DUNDGOBI, Mongolia - The winter camps of southern Mongolia are quiet during this year’s breeding season, after an unusually harsh winter wiped out herds and left nomadic families with little but debt to their name.
#baabar news

Prophecy Contracts Leighton for Q3 Coal Production at Ulaan Ovoo, Mongolia

Prophecy Resource Corp. (TSX.V: PCY OTC: PCYRF Frankfurt: 1P2) announced today that it has entered into a Mine Services Agreement with Leighton Asia Limited for the infrastructure establishment, equipment leasing, and mining operation at the Ulaan Ovoo coal deposit in northern Mongolia.
#baabar news

Ivanhoe says Mongolian copper-gold mine in top 3

Ivanhoe forecast the mine’s average annual production at 1.2 billion pounds of copper (544,000 tonnes) and 650,000 ounces of gold in its first 10 years, with operations set to begin in 2013.
#baabar news

Robert Friedland company will discuss plans for developing the Oyu Tolgoi project on Tuesday

Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (TSX: T.IVN, Stock Forum) is set to unveil the latest plans for developing the giant Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold project in Mongolia.
#baabar news

Filmmaker of ’Babies’ discusses making the movie

Thomas Balmes is a French documentary filmmaker who has made a few little-seen works of cultural anthropology – the conversion of Papua New Guinea natives to Christianity, Finns seeing how their outsourced cellphones are manufactured in China.
#baabar news

Every country should do its part to promote non-proliferation: Mongolia

Mongolia on Wednesday voiced its strong belief that ”every country could and should make its contribution to promoting the goals of nuclear non-proliferation.”
#baabar news

Ц.Нямдоржийн албан ёсны намтар

Цэндийн Нямдорж Ц.Нямдорж Улаангом хотын нэгдүгээр дунд сургуулийг 1975 онд, Ленинградын Улсын их сургуулийг хуульч мэргэжлээр 1981 онд тус тус төгссөн.

Mongolia may decide soon on uranium JV with Russia

RIA Novosti cited Mr Sergei Kiriyenko the head of the Russian civilian nuclear power corporation
#baabar news

ING Appoints Investment Banking Head For Mongolia - Memo

HONG KONG (Dow Jones)--ING Groep NV (ING)
#baabar news

Cash Minerals to get Mongolian uranium properties in usd3M-plus cash dea

Terms of the deal include a usd2-million cash payment and about usd1 million in stock, as well as smelter royalty payments.
#baabar news

Австрали улсын боловсролын зэрэг Монголд анх удаа

“Рафлес боловсрол корпорац”-ийн сургалтын асуудал хариуцсан захирал Рон Ньюмантай ярилцсаныг сонирхуулъя.

Ардчилалд хайр хүрэв

Үндэстний тойм сэтгүүлийн №14 дугаарт нийтлэгдсэн Хойд Солонгост хийсэн тэмдэглэл