Bloggers 1,382 нийтлэл байна

Khan Mongolia Court Case Postponed

As previously announced in April 2010, both CAUC and Khan Mongolia received notices from the NEA purporting to invalidate their licenses relating to the Dornod Uranium Project effective as of October 8, 2009,
#baabar news

Гуйлга ба маркетинг

Энэтхэгийн тухай ярихдаа гуйлгачинг нь орхичихвол ямар хэрэг байхав дээ. Гуйлга тэнд хэвийн үзэгдэл. Энэ нийгэмд бүхэл бүтэн “гуйлгачин” давхарга байдаг аж.
#блог #нийтлэл

Sumo champ Asashoryu starts MMA camp

Retired sumo star Asashoryu might be serious about mixed martial arts, after all.
#baabar news

Asia Pacific Investment Partners Completes US$4 Million Convertible Note Offering

”The majority of the financing raised in the recent round will be allocated towards rapid capacity expansion of Central Asian Cement (CAC) and will be used to develop CAC’s own clinker production facility as part of the company’s vertical integration strategy.
#baabar news

Mongolia: How the winter of ’white death’ devastated nomads’ way of life

A lifetime of experience, years of training and a sleepless night of preparation – yet Tsedendamba’s stallion, in the fifth and prime year of its racing career, trailed across the finish line in 12th place.
#baabar news

Giorgio Armani Opens First Stores in Mongolia, Vietnam to Tap Asian Demand

Giorgio Armani SpA, the Italian fashion company whose clothes are worn by celebrities including Angelina Jolie and Leonardo DiCaprio, said it opened its first stores in Mongolia and Vietnam as it seeks to tap Asian demand.
#baabar news

Frontier Financial Markets Summary

Enclosed please find your Frontier financial markets summary for July 19, 2010 featuring report on io exercising its Series A Warrants in Ivanhoe Mines
#baabar news

Rallying round - blues and twos to Ulaanbaatar

Four charity fund-raisers are hoping to complete the 10,000 mile Mongol Rally in a redundant fire engine.
#baabar news

Mongolian PM, U.S. envoy discuss bilateral ties, cooperation

Prime Minister Batbold Sukhbaatar on Monday discussed bilateral ties and cooperation with visiting U.S. Deputy Secretary of State of James B. Steinberg.
#baabar news

Ivanhoe adds to ’core lender’ group for usd4,6bn Mongolia mine

Vancouver-based Ivanhoe Mines has appinted BNP Paribas, Standard Chartered and Export Development Canada
#baabar news

Цагаан шугам ба ёс зүйн ялгаа

Нийгмийн хөгжил нь хүний байгалаас заягдсан түгээмэл эрхийг хүндэтгэн үзэх өнөөгийн тогтолцоог бий болгон цаашид улам төгөлдөржүүлэхэд чиглэгдэж байна.
#блог #нийтлэл

Mongolia, China’s Xinjiang region vow to boost ties

Prime Minister Batbold Sukhbaatar said Friday that his country wants to develop ties with China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
#baabar news

БИД ба ТЭД бас ЭНЭ ба ТЭР

Далай багшийг лекц унших үеэр Дарамсала лам нарын хөлд дарагдлаа. Хаашаа л харна буддын хувраг. Хар, шар, цагаан. Бүгд улаан шарыг тунаруулжээ. Чухам аль газраас ирснийг нь таахад ч хялбар.
#блог #нийтлэл

Visit to Buddhist center strengthens writer’s Christianity

The laws of cause and effect are underpinnings of Buddhist teachings, so said Arjia Rinpoche who heads The Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center in Southern Indiana.
#baabar news

Mysteries of Mongolia opens at new KOICA center

Mongolia is the first nation showcased at the new KOICA Global Village.
#baabar news

Packing for a Gobi Dinosaur Hunt

It’s been said there are two kinds of people in this world—those who divide people into two groups, and those who don’t. Having said that, I suspect there are two categories of vacation packers: those who pack days or weeks in advance and those who wait until the last minute.
#baabar news

Boeing 787 Dreamliner likely delayed again

Boeing says it might not be able to make the first deliveries of its 787 to All Nippon Airlines in December as promised.
#baabar news

Rio Tinto Ivanhoe Mines

The dispute, as convoluted as the plot of Sir Walter Scott’s novel Ivanhoe, revolves around how easily Rio can take a majority interest in the Vancouver-based miner, so securing control of its Oyu Tolgoi deposit.
#baabar news

БИД ба ТЭД бас ЭНЭ ба ТЭР

Дарамсалад ойрол­цоо­гоор таван мянган төвд амь­дардаг гэнэ. Ламаа дагаж амьдраад сурчихсан улс. Дарамсалагийн нийт хүн ам 2001 онд 20 орчим мянга болсон гэдэг тоо байна.
#блог #нийтлэл

Үнэний хувьтай хар таамаглал

Орчин үед бидний мэдээлэл солилцооны чадавхи асар өргөн цар хүрээтэй болсон бөгөөд хувь хүний өөрийн орчин, интернет ертөнц, телевиз радио, ном, сонин хэвлэл гэх мэт таны хүссэн мэдээллийг хангалттай өгч чадахуйц нөхцлийг бүрдүүлсэн аж.

Rio, Ivanhoe Relationship Sours

The close relationship between global miner Rio Tinto Ltd. and Canadian company Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. appears to be unraveling just as their biggest joint project starts moving toward production.
#baabar news

Leighton wins usd700m Mongolia contract

Leighton Holdings Ltd has secured a usd700 million contract adjustment to increase production at Ukhaa Khudag (UHG) coal mine in southern Mongolia.
#baabar news

Leighton wins $700m Mongolia contract

Leighton Holdings Ltd has secured a $700 million contract adjustment to increase production at Ukhaa Khudag (UHG) coal mine in southern Mongolia.
#baabar news

Strategic deposits: TT train departs after 40 years of talking

According to Parliament Media Office (http:// press release of July 7,2010, “ United session of Parliament started on Wednesday with quorum of 61 per cent.
#baabar news

Тавантолгой ба монголын ирээдүй

2010 оны 7 дугаар сар 7 өдөр ТВ-9 телевизээр Сангийн сайд Баярцогт, геологич эрдэмтэн Авирмэд , УИХ-ын гишүүн С.Эрдэнэ, Л.Цог зэрэг хүмүүс тавантолгойн асуудлаар ярилцлага маргаан хийлээ.

Amarbayasgalant Monastery in Mongolia

In 2010 the preservation and protection of the early 18th century Amarbayasgalant Monastery in Mongolia is one of the 4 large-scale efforts among the cultural heritage preservation projects to receive financial support from the AFCP.
#baabar news

Mongolian merriment in Golden Gate Park

The Bay Area Mongolian community celebrated the native land’s 89th independence day Saturday with the traditional Naadam festival.
#baabar news

TT train departs after 40 years of talking,

TT train departs after 40 years of talking, 30 per cent of erdenes-tavan tolgoi soe to mine tt will ipo-ed on mse And a foreign excahnge to raise capital, Foreign operator is to operate contract mine for specific duration And then national company is to be prepared to work on its own.
#baabar news


Тэр жил, сайн санавал 1999 онд Төрсөн нутагт маань гурван өдрийг хамарсан, Монгол түмэн бидний хэдэн арван зуун жил хэлж заншиж ирсэн “Эрийн Гурван Наадам” болох ёслол хүндэтгэлийн ажиллагаа болж өнгөрсөн юм.

Approval of TT resolution is expected on july 7, 2010 3pm united session of parliament

According to leading mongolian news portal,” on July 6,2010 meeting of Economic Standing Committee of Parliament of Mongolia,
#baabar news