Цэргийн шинжлэх ухаанд дайн, байлдаан, тулалдаан, будилаан, мөргөлдөөн, өдөөн хатгалга зэрэг нь өөр өөр утгатай байдаг бололтой.
PMC armies are preparing for war to protect their master and his property. Civil war may break out if tradition is followed. A phenomenon unprecedented in the history of mankind: there is a privatization of such a large world army. The Russian armed forces began to split. By privatizing the army, they initiated the collapse of the Russian Federation. In the future, nuclear weapons will be privatized and privately distributed. All Russian subjects will try to acquire nuclear weapons. When declaring independence, try to have nuclear weapons. With such a weapon, Moscow will be intimidated and achieve what it wants. Nuclear weapons may be accompanied by privatizing all types of strategic weapons. If such a war starts, Russia itself will fall to its knees. If Russia survives without disintegration, it will turn into a second-rate country on the scale of Brazil and Pakistan. If Russia survives without disintegration, it will take 10-20 years to return to pre-war levels.
1920-иод оны дундаас Монголын удирдагчид бие даасан бодлого явуулж эхэлжээ. Тэр үед Зөвлөлт Хятадын харилцаа маш сайн байлаа. Манжуурыг эзэлсэн Жан Золин болон түүний араас дэмжигч япончуудыг даран сөнөөхөөр Бээжинд ирж суурьшсан Сун Ятсэний гоминданчууд Зөвлөлттэй үгссэн байв.
Британника толь найман ботиор хэвлэгдээд худалдаанд гарлаа. Толь хэрхэн бүтсэн тухайгаа та товчхон яриач.
The Chinese-centric ideology is far from Eurocentric, and they have instilled this ideology in their citizens as a more compelling belief. The nomadic Khitans and Jurchens conquered northern China (the Chinese gave them the names Liao, and Jin Dynasty?). Although the population indeed became a minority, the Chinese considered them to be their dynasties. Although the Mongols and Manchus occupied all of China and were a minority of the population, they were another successor and another dynasty of the Middle Kingdom, which is a strange expression of Sinocentrism.